Aquarionics Wiki


From the department of Geekery

Geographic Data


When I tag an entry, picture, or comment with a location in Lat/Long, I will be able to locate the nearest geographical point.

(Eventually, I want this to interface with a GPS unit and my laptop so I can pretend to be Randy from Cryptonomicon, and this is also a sub-point of my “I will travel more” life plan)


This will require a few things



Finding the database is the first thing. Apparently Getty have a database of all geographic thingies, but it’s a very high value of non-free for the data, and the front end itself has no API. Annoying, because it does exactly what I need (You give it a point, it tells you what’s closest). According to links from a while ago, it also used to accept lat/long on the search, from which I could screen-scrape. Alas, now it doesn’t.

This AskMifi is exactly what I want, but the data is either a) unhelpful or b) US-only (The Tiger thing), but in looking at Tiger I found this:

The GNS GIS Datafiles are the US “National Geospacial Intelligence Agency”, which has a datafile on every country the US recognises and the recognised spelling (and lat/long) of each. Awesome.

The files are in a tab delimited text file, zipped. One file per country, one item per line. I catted them all together, and the resulting file was about 750mb. I don’t really want a MySQL database that big, and it won’t be written too often (or possibly ever again), so I’m going to look at sqllite to see if it is fast enough for this, then possibly DB2 before trying MySQL.

This is the database:

create table geodata(rc smallint, ufi integer, uni integer, lat real, long real, dms_lat integer, dms_long integer, utm varchar(64), jog varchar(64), fc varchar(64), dsg varchar(64), pc varchar(64), cc1 varchar(64), adm1 varchar(64), adm2 varchar(64), dim integer, cc2 varchar(64), nt varchar(64), lc varchar(64), short_form varchar(64), generic varchar(64), sort_name varchar(64), full_name, full_name_nd, modify_date varchar(64));

(Key to field names)

And this Python code turns the data file into SQL:

myFile = open(“all.uniq.txt”)
while True:
line = myFile.readline().strip().split(“t”)
print ‘insert into geodata values (“%s”);’ % ‘“, ”’.join(line)

(I started trying to use the pysqlite bindings, then realised "python ./ | sqlite geodata.db" would be far quicker

That’s running now, I’m watching carefully to see how big the data set goes…

Page last updated: 2022-12-05 16:44:06